Автор: wilfred mukoraHello moscow eye clinic. i have a cross eye problem (strabismus) and i wanted to find out if you can help me fix it permanently. If you can help me how much does it cost (money required) and what are the options available that you can use to fix my problem. Is it 100% guaranteed that i will be fine after surgery or there are chances it might even get worse. i want to know all the options...and the options that you recommend you use. Please note this is a very sensitive matter to me and i am really hoping that you can help me with this problem.
Отвечает: врач-офтальмолог Московской Глазной Клиники
Dear Wilfred Mukora, Thank you for turning to our Clinic, The kind of questions you asked can only be answered after a full comprehensive examination, Qualified doctors do not give any guarantees seeing that it is human organism we are talking about, everything is very individual, After an examination and verifiying the diagnosis we will be able to offer you further treatment, As for prices, they all are available on our official website Regards,