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My name is Aleksandar Ampovski, and I'm from Macedonia.

My name is Aleksandar Ampovski, and I'm from Macedonia.

Dear, My name is Aleksandar Ampovski, and I'm from Macedonia. I was diagnosed with central serous chorioretinopathy. Can you help me with disease? In addition I'm sending you the results from examinations I've made in my country. This are results from past two weeks. I was taking some drugs, like Sol. Nevanac, s. 4x1, Tabl. Acetozolamide, s. 3x1, Tabl. Kalium chl. s.1x1, Caps. Lutein Forte, s 1x1. I was taking this therapy for two weeks, but I had no efects. My situation get worst. I went in Different hospital in my country and they suggest thet I need to take Ephlernon a 50 mg 1x1, 3 weeks, and after that Ephlernon 25 mg 1x1 3 months. The doctors here told me that from the new tabletes my situation wi be better. My question is do you suggest any surgery that can help me to see better. Also what is the cost of examinations if I come to your Hospital. I'm hoping that you will contact me soon. With Best regards, Aleksandar Ampovski

Ответ врача офтальмолога:

Dear sir!

You need to translate your conclusion in english or russian. 


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